Dehumidifier for machine room

The Importance of Humidity Security in Server Rooms

Server rooms and data centers must include humidity and temperature monitoring systems to guarantee system stability, uptime, and equipment longevity. 

Condensation inside hardware causes short circuits and harm to sensitive components; fungus assaults devices; disc drives fail due to excessive humidity, resulting in data loss and system failures; rust builds up and corrosion.

Ensuring operational security and stability of equipment requires proper humidity regulation. To avoid unanticipated breakdowns, system, and component failures, and the resulting expenditures on repairs and replacements, dehumidifiers are an excellent and dependable solution. 


Effects of High humidity and Low Humidity on Server rooms and Security

Although heat is an issue, the most destructive factor is likely to be humidity. Humidity is a threat because of the two ways it attacks. Humidity can form condensation if the relative humidity is high enough. 

Consequently, the server's metal components will corrode due to the presence of moisture. Electrical shorts occur as a result of corrosion. Server failure, data loss, and downtime are all consequences of electrical shorts. 

However, other obstacles besides excessive humidity can cause issues. Servers can acquire electrostatic charges due to the absence of moisture in the air in conditions of low humidity. The discharge of this electricity can cause damage or even destroy sensitive electronic devices. 

Therefore, a data center will be severely impacted by both the condensation and the generalized attack of humidity. The intended function of servers becomes impossible when they are broken or destroyed. Secondly, it could be quite expensive to fix or replace these broken servers. It costs money and there's downtime involved. Making data centers and their servers more vulnerable to the damaging effects of humidity.


The Three Main Causes of High Humidity in Server Rooms

Many SMEs use hybrid data storage solutions that include cloud backups. But there's a significant up-front cost to establishing a server room and safeguarding the hardware is paramount to preventing the loss of the data and programs that operate on it. 

Equipment can break down due to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, vibration, and ventilation. Controlling the relative humidity of a server room is important for three primary reasons:

Acid rain:  Electronic parts can deteriorate in humid environments, lowering their dependability and longevity.

Electrostatic fields:  Static electricity is more likely to occur in extremely dry air. A fire hazard and source of abrupt, irreparable damage can be created by the smallest spark.

Water vapor:  Damaging condensation can result from a combination of factors, including a high atmospheric moisture level and temperature fluctuations.

Depending on the temperature of the room, the ideal humidity level for a server room might vary from 40 to 50%. To maintain low temperatures and humidity, several business owners depend on air conditioners. While it's true that air conditioners remove some moisture from the air, that's their only function—to regulate temperature, not humidity. "The air conditioner isn't designed to activate and dry out the room if the temperature stays the same but the humidity in the server room spikes.

Importance of Dehumidifier in Server Rooms

Attempts to control the environment in data centers face several obstacles, including the heat produced by the servers themselves. More so, the risks of humidity damage to data center equipment are amplified if the location is in a hot and humid region. Cooling systems installed in certain buildings do little to alleviate the problem and may even make condensation more likely in certain cases.

dehumidifier for server room

Therefore, dehumidifiers should be prioritized for efficiency when making decisions, as cooling and power supply account for an average of 43% of energy expenses. A high-capacity condensed humidification system is suggested for server rooms. Consider dehumidifiers because they are:

      1. Easy to setup

      2. Minimal investment is required

      3. Superior to a CRAC unit in terms of moisture removal efficiency

      4. Cut power usage in half compared to competing dehumidification systems

      5. The data centersuite experiences very little thermal transfer.

Tips For Choosing the Right Dehumidifier

Because of their complementary functions, purchasing a high-quality industrial dehumidifier to complement an air conditioner. Which can help save money on cooling expenditures by making an air conditioner work more efficiently in dryer climates?

Consider the dehumidifier's extraction capability while doing research to choose the one that would work best for your company. If the area is quite large, a smaller unit might not be able to keep the humidity level just right. Find a device that is both energy efficient and has an auto-restart feature to keep your business running even if the power goes out; this will help you weather the storm of rising electricity costs and load-shedding. 

Additionally, some units can be programmed to work in tandem with your building's existing ducting system, reducing the amount of time spent manually operating the unit. In this day of unpredictable power disruptions and load shedding, the capacity to simply track and manage humidity levels is more crucial than ever. To make things easier and safer for all users, it's recommended to purchase equipment with intuitive controls.

Avoid Heat Risks in Data centers

Data storage is made possible by massive servers and other IT equipment, which consume vast quantities of power and produce heat as a byproduct.

Such machinery can be damaged by high temperatures. Condensation can flourish in broken sockets and other electrical devices, posing a threat of computer overheating and eventual failure. Due to avoidable outages and unscheduled downtimes, a data center with these issues can incur massive financial losses.

Why Choose Aloraircrawlspace's Solution

Alorair dehumidifiers enable accurate moisture control for server rooms. Either a large or small server room invest in alorair for:

Effective Moisture Control: Our dehumidifiers tirelessly maintain appropriate humidity levels, preventing condensation and static electricity. 

Prolong life Span: Our dehumidifiers ensure a steady climate for your servers, avoiding the need for regular replacements and repairs. 

Energy-Efficient: Alorair dehumidifiers help you save power and prolong server life. 

Plug & Work Solution: Our dehumidifiers allow hands-free operation. After setting your aim, they will regularly monitor server room humidity. 

Our dehumidifier automatically adjusts humidity as it rises. After reaching the goal, it turns off to save power but keeps monitoring. Our sophisticated, energy-efficient solutions optimize server room conditions without manual adjustment. 

Server rooms need humidity control to run smoothly. Invest in server uptime, data protection, and business continuity with an Alorair dehumidifier.

Bottom Line

Stop letting humidity ruin your data centers, look at what Alorair dehumidifiers can do for you. Our solutions are adaptable to any facility because they come in a variety of sizes and can be wall-mounted or freestanding. Check out our selection of dehumidifiers and don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.