Returns Policy

Order cancellation is possible only for orders that have not yet been processed or shipped. If you submit an order cancellation request before the order has been processed and shipped, you will receive a full refund. Unfortunately, if the order has already been shipped, it cannot be cancelled.

Returns (if applicable)
aloraircrawlspace wants you to be satisfied with your purchase, but if you need to return the product, you have a 30-day return window after delivery. For your return to be eligible, the unit must be in the same condition as you received it, unused and in its original packaging. To successfully complete your return, we will need an original order number or proof of purchase. Please contact our customer service department to verify the shipping address for all returns.

Please note
Custom-made items or products with personalised labels are excluded from the 30-day refund policy.
If you wish to return our product because you have changed your mind about the purchase, you will be responsible for all shipping and handling charges. This must be arranged with a shipping company of your choice.
All products returned due to damage or incorrectly delivered products can be returned free of charge.
The consumer will not be charged a restocking fee for returning a product.

Refund (if applicable)
Once we receive your return, the unit will be inspected and a copy of the inspection will be emailed to you as an acknowledgement of receipt. This notification will include the approval or denial of a refund. If approved, an automatic credit will be issued to your original payment method. It may take up to 5 business days for the refund to be available in your account.

Delayed or missing refund (if applicable)
If the refund is not available after 5 business days, please contact your bank. Some credit card companies or banks have a specific process and time frame before the credit or refund is available. If you have checked with your bank and have not yet received your refund, please contact us at .
If you have any questions about your return or refund, please contact our customer service team at