Dehumidifier to Clean Carpets

Can a Dehumidifier Clean Carpets?

Does your carpet have a musty odor or visible mold stains? While carpets are a popular flooring choice due to their comfort and aesthetic appeal, they can be prone to moisture problems. Fortunately, a dehumidifier can help you clean your carpet and eliminate these issues.

In this article, we will address common carpet problems, how you can use a dehumidifier to clean your carpet, and its benefits. Let’s get started.

Common Problems with Carpets

A carpet should serve you for a long time. However, over time it will develop problems. The most common issues with carpets include shape distortion, shedding, and staining. Let’s address some of the most common carpet problems.

Carpet Wrinkles

These are lines or folds on the carpet. They not only make cleaning and carpet care difficult, but they also make your carpet look ugly.

What causes the carpets to wrinkle? Moisture, humidity, and poor installations are the most common causes of wrinkling in carpets. How can you avoid carpet wrinkles?

As you can see from the causes, if you can control humidity, check moisture levels, and work with professionals, you can avoid ugly folds and lines on the carpet.

If the wrinkles remain unchecked, they will create weaknesses on the carpet where all other problems, such as shedding and scarring, will begin.

Mold and Mildew

All it needs for a mold colony to start on your carpet is water and decaying matter. The carpet has enough plant material that starts rotting away immediately after it is exposed to water.

Water damage in the mains, seepage through walls, and general domestic activities such as washing can all lead to excessive moisture that can cause mold.

The garage, crawlspaces, and basements are the most vulnerable spaces. If you don't control moisture in these spaces, you will likely end up with water damage to your carpet.

Mold and mildew growth not only affects your carpet but can also become a major cause of health issues for you and your family.


Mold, dirt, dust, and spills can cause stains on your carpet. To prevent most stains, you have to be prompt and professional when it comes to cleaning.

If you clean your carpet at the right time, you can keep the stains away. Allowing the spilled stuff to dry on the carpet may lead to a permanent stain.

Since moisture and humidity tend to go hand in hand, controlling the two will certainly help you keep the stains away.

Buckling and Rippling

When you see wrinkles, loose edges, or bunching up, you may be experiencing carpet buckling. Buckled carpets not only look unsightly but can also present tripping hazards. Unsurprisingly, moisture is one of the leading causes of buckling for well-installed carpets.

By maintaining optimal humidity levels, a dehumidifier prevents excessive absorption of moisture. This reduces the likelihood of your carpet swelling and forming wrinkles.

How to Use a Dehumidifier to Clean Carpets?

First, understand that the dehumidifier will only have one job: removing moisture and excess humidity. Once you have understood that, you can begin your cleaning.

How to Use a Dehumidifier to Clean Carpets

Assess the Damage

You will definitely need to know what damage you are working with. Examine your carpet to identify the extent of moisture damage. Check for water leaks, spills, or any other sources of water ingress.

Look for discoloration, water stains, or visible water droplets. Assessing the damage allows you to determine the size and capacity of the dehumidifier needed to effectively clean and dry your carpet.

If the moisture damage is too extensive, getting professional help will be prudent.

Remove Excess Water and Damaged Items

You want to remove anything that can be damaged, or that is already damaged beyond redemption from the room.

Use a vacuum or towels to remove excess water. Lift and remove any furniture or items on the carpet to allow for thorough drying. Removing damaged items makes the cleaning process much smoother.

Clean Thoroughly

Vacuum the carpet to remove dirt and debris. This step is crucial before using a dehumidifier as it ensures better air circulation and efficiency. Use a carpet cleaner or a mixture of mild detergent and water to clean the carpet. Allow it to dry completely.

Since cleaning procedures can vary depending on the carpet type or material, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

Seal the Room and Start the Dehumidifier

It takes about 12 hours to dry a standard room. However, too much drying can cause pressure imbalance and sometimes static electricity.

Close all doors and windows to prevent additional moisture from entering the room. If possible, use plastic sheeting to seal off the affected area. This containment helps the dehumidifier work more effectively.

  • Place the dehumidifier in the center of the room for optimal air circulation.

  • Ensure the water collection container is empty.

  • Set the dehumidifier to the recommended humidity level for your specific situation, typically between 30-50% relative humidity.

  • Turn on the dehumidifier and let it run continuously until the carpet is thoroughly dry.

Benefits of Using a Dehumidifier for Carpet Cleaning

Here are some advantages of using a dehumidifier to clean your carpet.

Effective Drying

A home with carpet flooring is difficult to dry. Unlike other surfaces such as tiles, wood, laminate, and concrete, carpet is the hardest to dry. It takes longer to dry and tends to hide and trap a lot of moisture. With a dehumidifier, you can effectively dry out any moisture and keep mold and mildew away.

Effective drying has many other advantages. It keeps the electronics safe from moisture damage. Any moisture in the air can destroy your valuables, such as electronics. Moisture can also cause wood damage to furniture and storage cabinets.

Keeps Insects and Small Crawling Animals Away

As long as there is some moisture under the carpet, you will have to deal with millipedes and other small animals trying to get in and breed. Once well dried, the floor will be safe from all those animals.

The most common areas where you want to dry effectively to avoid such a scenario are the laundry area, kitchen, basements, and crawlspaces.

Keeps Your Carpet and Floors in Pristine Conditions

Everyone loves to keep spotless carpets. To achieve that, you have to constantly clean and care for the carpet. You can prevent carpet wrinkles, staining, and discoloration if you can dry any spills from the carpet effectively.

A dehumidifier eliminates moisture-related issues, ensuring your carpet remains in excellent condition. Don’t spend a fortune replacing a damaged carpet when you can prevent it from happening.

Final Thoughts

While dehumidifiers are not traditionally associated with carpet cleaning, their ability to control moisture levels makes them a valuable tool in addressing common carpet problems. From removing excess moisture to preventing mold growth, a dehumidifier can ensure a cleaner and long-lasting carpet.

Choosing an energy-efficient AlorAir dehumidifier can help you cut utility costs while keeping your carpet in optimal condition. For more inquiries, contact us today.